1) Good afternoon. The question is: 1. I am a disabled person of the 3rd group. I am raising my own d...


1) Good afternoon. The question is:

  1. I am a disabled person of the 3rd group. I am raising a disabled child. I am 17 years old. My mother was not deprived of parental rights in 2008. Can I be drafted now for mobilization. And also when the child will be 18 years old. And she will become just a person with a disability.

2) are we mobile. The child was registered at the age of 17. The allowance became limited. Postponement until 2028.

I didn't pass the tsk.vlk. They only asked for a copy of the certificate and the doctors' conclusion. MSEK. disabled for life since 2017.

Thank you.

29.12.2023 16:14 442


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

1) Conscript men who independently raise a child (children) under the age of 18 are not subject to conscription for military service during mobilization; men who raise a child with a disability under the age of 18. Therefore, you cannot now be called up for military service. When the child turns 18, you will also not be subject to conscription for military service, because Article 23 of the Civil Service Law "On Mobilization Training and Mobilization" states that husbands who have an adult child who is a person with disability I or II group.

2) As for going abroad, men who have been removed from the military register due to their health can leave the territory of Ukraine. The basis for this will be a registered disability or a decision of the medical commission on unfitness for military service. Men who independently raise a child under the age of 18 have the right to go abroad.

01.01.2024 13:22


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