What leave is available to military personnel during martial law?

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22.12.2023 15:17 683


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

Types of leave for personnel and mobilized military personnel:

  • The main leave is no more than 30 days per year. It is provided in parts - no more than 15 days at a time.

  • Leave for family reasons and for other good reasons - no more than 10 days.

  • Leave for female servicemen in connection with pregnancy and childbirth.

  • Leave for child care until the child reaches the age of three. If home care is needed, no more than until she reaches the age of six. If both parents are military personnel, such leave is granted to one of them by their decision.

  • Leave for treatment in connection with an illness or for treatment after an injury (contusion, trauma or mutilation) according to the conclusion of the military medical commission with preservation of financial support. The duration of such leave is from one to four months (with exceptions). Treatment abroad cannot exceed 12 consecutive months.

Holidays for other categories of military personnel:

  • Conscripts - 30 days (no more than 15 days at a time).

  • Cadets (students) of higher military educational institutions - holiday leave: winter - no longer than 10 days, summer - no longer than 20 days.

Travel time is not included in the duration of vacation. It is counted separately and cannot exceed two days in one direction.

22.12.2023 15:18


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