What are the benefits for a foster family?

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11.12.2023 11:40 432


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

List of benefits to which foster families are entitled:

  • payment for gas, electricity, water - 30% (in some regions, the figure may change according to the decision of the local authorities, but it cannot be less than the specified amount);

  • adopted children eat at school for free;

  • according to the decision of the administration, the foster family can allocate funds for the repair of the children's room, the purchase of the necessary furniture;

  • free travel for children on city buses (trams, metro, etc.), except for taxis;

  • adopted children can study for free in schools of additional education in the chosen direction (music, dance, etc.), and also go to clubs (except for commercial ones);

  • foster children are allocated free tickets to recreation camps and sanatoriums;

  • if there are three or more children in the family, including relatives, then all children are entitled to benefits, and the possibility of receiving medicines for free for children under 6 years is added;

  • free of charge, the family is given the opportunity to obtain a plot of land for farming, to expand it if the number of children increases, to receive credits or loans for the development of the farm on preferential terms, as well as for the construction of housing for the family.

All benefits and payments must be registered with the social security authorities by the adoptive parents after they sign the contract on the adoptive family. When the term of the contract expires, all benefits and benefits cease for the foster family.

11.12.2023 11:41


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