Inherited a garage, the ownership of which was registered in ...?

...notary public, the garage was built a long time ago, back in Soviet times, then it was privatized, but only the garage without the land under it, currently the law requires the privatization of the land under the garage, if there is a need to sell/rent/bequeath it. We contacted the organization that is engaged in assigning a cadastral number, went through the necessary procedures, but at the stage of the information certificate from the city's architecture, we received a refusal that it does not respond because there is a power line (which was built long after the garages were built there), the question of how to be in such a situation, or a legitimate refusal in such a situation, because the law says that the building/structure itself cannot be sold without the land, and the land without it. Is it possible to bequeath such a garage with this refusal? What to do in such a situation, using the garage itself is not an option, because the owner is a pensioner, he wanted to sell and spend the money from its sale

22.04.2023 00:48 432


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