How to pass a theory test without studying at a driving school?

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22.11.2023 19:23 505


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

To pass the theoretical exam, you need to contact any convenient service center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Over time, such a service will also be available through TsNAP.

First of all, the future driver must obtain a medical certificate, which will indicate that the person can drive. Then you need to take a ticket for passing the theoretical exam, this can be done online or offline. Come to the service center at the specified time.

When the ticket number appears on the monitor, you need to go to the specified window with the documents (passport and an extract from the place of registration, if it is an ID card). The theoretical exam lasts 20 minutes, only two mistakes are allowed.

22.11.2023 19:25


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