Traveling abroad for a man (48 years old)


Is it possible for a 48-year-old man to go abroad, his mother is bedridden with a stroke and there is also a sister who is 55 years old and has cancer...

06.11.2023 16:08 504


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

According to the Explanation of the State Border Service of Ukraine dated March 17, 2022 No. 23-6855/0/6-22 "Regarding the procedure for organizing travel abroad during the period of the legal regime of martial law" ( restrictions regarding the ban on travel outside of Ukraine by male citizens of Ukraine aged 18 to 60 for the duration of the legal regime of martial law do not apply to persons who are engaged in constant care of a sick wife (husband), child, as well as their own parents or wife (husband ), who, according to the opinion of the medical and social expert commission or the medical and advisory commission of the health care institution, need constant care. At the same time, it is necessary to have a certificate on receiving compensation for a person engaged in constant care of persons who need it (it can be issued only at the registered place of residence), a court decision, a certificate from the Ministry of Health and Welfare.

06.11.2023 17:47


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