What documents must be submitted to conclude a contract with Oblgaz?

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18.09.2023 07:28 543


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

Along with the application for joining the terms of the natural gas supply contract, the originals of the following documents are presented to household consumers:

  • documents defining the right of ownership or use of the object (premises);

  • a document certifying the identity of the consumer (for citizens of Ukraine - a passport of a citizen of Ukraine, including an ID card, or a temporary certificate of a citizen of Ukraine; for foreigners and stateless persons - a national passport or a document that replaces it), as well as a registration number taxpayer's registration card (for natural persons who, due to their religious beliefs, refuse to accept the registration number of the taxpayer's registration card and have notified the relevant supervisory body about it and have a mark in their passport - passport series and number);

  • a duly executed power of attorney for a representative of a household consumer, authorized to represent his interests during the procedure for concluding a contract for the supply of natural gas (if necessary);

  • a document by which the owner (co-owner) of the object authorizes the Consumer to enter into the Agreement - provided in the event that the Consumer's object is owned (used) by several persons;

  • the last invoice for the distribution (delivery) of gas, a copy of the application for joining the contract for the distribution of natural gas.

18.09.2023 09:30


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