If I am not the official wife of a soldier who died, how to issue payments?


His parents are still in occupation

12.09.2023 19:32 532


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

In the event of the death of a serviceman, a one-time cash benefit is paid in equal shares to all persons entitled to its appointment and receipt, upon their personal application or the application of their legal representatives. The list of these persons is specified in Article 16 of the Law of Ukraine "On social and legal protection of military personnel and their family members". These are family members, parents and dependents of the deceased (deceased) serviceman. Family members and parents of a deceased (deceased) military serviceman, conscript or reservist are defined in accordance with the Family Code of Ukraine, and dependents are defined in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On pension provision of persons discharged from military service and certain other persons" (Art. 16-1 of the Law of Ukraine "On Social and Legal Protection of Servicemen and Members of Their Families"). According to Part 2, 4 of Article 3 of the Family Code, a family consists of persons who live together, are connected by common life, have mutual rights and duties. A family is created on the basis of marriage, consanguinity, adoption, as well as on other grounds that are not prohibited by law and that do not contradict the moral principles of society. Therefore, a civilian wife can be recognized as a member of the family of a deceased serviceman, if the fact of joint residence, household, joint rights and obligations is established in a court of law.

You need to first collect the necessary evidence to go to court. Evidence can be: statements from a bank account to confirm that you and your husband maintain a joint budget; certificates from local self-government bodies and deputies to confirm your joint residence and management of a joint household; military documentation in which the deceased listed you as his wife; certificate from a notary about the heirs who applied for acceptance of the inheritance; information about participation in the funeral; list of witnesses If the court approves your case, you can proceed with the preparation of the necessary documents to receive the OGD payment.

14.09.2023 10:37


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