I was beaten near my home. I didn't go to the police at first, but went to...


I was beaten near my home. I did not call the police at first, but went home. In the morning, I had to go to the hospital, where I was diagnosed with moderate damage. Since I knew one of the offenders, I nevertheless turned to the police with a statement, but they did not even open a criminal case, but transferred the materials to the precinct.

21.04.2023 15:11 609


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

You need to report a criminal offense to the police. When the police receives such a statement, within 10 days you will need to appeal to the investigating judge with a complaint about not entering information into the Unified Register of Pretrial Investigations. When the complaint is satisfied by the court, your information will be entered in the relevant Register.

23.05.2024 17:01


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