If a man reached the age of 60 at the beginning of the war and was only now able to...


to leave the occupied territory and apply for a pension, will he be paid pension arrears for the entire time from the day he reaches 60 years old, or will he be appointed only from the day of application?

06.09.2023 20:19 683


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

In accordance with the first part of Article 46 of the Law of Ukraine "On Mandatory State Pension Insurance", accrued amounts of pension to which the pensioner was entitled, but did not receive it in time due to his own fault, are paid for the past time, but not more than three years before the date applying for a pension. In this case, a part of the amount of the pension not received, but for no more than 12 months, is paid at the same time, and the rest of the amount is paid every month in equal parts, not exceeding the monthly amount of the pension.

In accordance with the second part of Article 46 of the Law of Ukraine "On Mandatory State Pension Insurance", accrued pension amounts, not received due to the fault of the body that appoints and pays the pension, are paid for the past time without limitation by any time period with accrual of compensation for the loss of part of the income. This norm deals with accrued pension amounts and the fault of the Pension Fund of Ukraine body.

06.09.2023 20:26


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