What documents does the company need to make in order to fire an employee for...


...absenteeism? And if he refuses to read and sign them?

01.09.2023 12:16 426


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

The employee's absence must be recorded during the daily (variable) accounting of the use of working time.

First of all, the immediate supervisor of the absent employee must write a report letter to the head of the enterprise, outlining all the circumstances.

The head of the enterprise, after reviewing the report note of the immediate supervisor of the "absentee", must make a decision to further investigate the reasons for the employee's absence from work and determine the executors of the investigation.

The person entrusted with the further investigation must draw up an act on the employee's absence from work. Employees who have the opportunity to confirm the absence or presence of a "truant" at the workplace during the entire working day or part of it are involved in drawing up the act.

It is necessary to collect additional documentary evidence of the employee's absence:

  • records of the use of working time, which are kept on the basis of issued passes or other documents;

  • information of the automated system of recording the arrival/departure of employees;

  • copies of journals in which employees sign when coming to work, etc.

01.09.2023 12:45

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