Mom had an apartment, which she got in a cooperative, in due time she paid all..


...the amount for her, along with that, I didn't register it for myself, and the state registrar refused to register it after my mother's death, now I can't enter the inheritance, because the apartment is not registered for my mother. Please help, what to do?

23.08.2023 09:33 386


Photo of 30.09.tana2002 Tatіana Mazur

You will need to prove ownership through a court of law.

To begin with, you need to contact the notary at the place of residence of the testator (your mother) with an application for acceptance of the inheritance.

Since there are no legal documents for the apartment (the order of the privatization body and the certificate of ownership of the apartment), the notary will issue a decree on refusal to perform notarial acts.

After receiving the refusal of the notary, the heir (you) must apply to the city-district court at the place of opening of the inheritance with a statement of claim for recognition of the right of ownership of the property in the order of inheritance.

The local self-government body will act as the defendant in this case, the privatization body can be involved as a third party.

To apply to the court with a claim, you must collect the following documents:

  • passport and identification number;

  • death certificate of the testator;

  • application for acceptance of inheritance;

  • extract about registration in the inheritance register;

  • warrant for the right to occupy an apartment;

  • notary's decision on refusal to perform notarial acts;

  • evidence that the entire amount has been paid for the apartment received in the cooperative, evidence of living in it, etc.

  • a receipt for the payment of the court fee.

23.08.2023 17:58


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