a new resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine was issued that IDP children who...


...are studying under a contract, can they get help, or help for living in a dormitory, how to get it, where to apply?

19.08.2023 11:01 541


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On providing targeted state support to certain categories of citizens for obtaining professional (vocational and technical), professional pre-higher and higher education" specifies that IDP students and students living in settlements on the contact line who study full-time education, state targeted support for living in dormitories is provided in the form of:

  • free accommodation in student dormitories — for students of professional (vocational and technical) education institutions;

  • preferential payment in the amount of no more than 50% of the amount of the accommodation fee - for students of institutions of vocational pre-university or higher education, cadets of non-military institutions of vocational pre-university or higher education, provided that such persons do not receive addressed assistance (in accordance with the resolution "On the provision of monthly addressed allowance assistance to internally displaced persons to cover living expenses, including the payment of housing and communal services").

In addition, resettled students may be entitled to free textbooks and free Internet access.

To receive these benefits, you need to contact the people who deal with this in the educational institution directly and provide documents confirming your status (for example, a certificate of IDP).

28.08.2023 13:13
