Does a squatter farmer have to pay rent?


Does a farmer have to pay rent according to a contract for a share located in a temporarily occupied territory, if the land is cultivated by him?

16.08.2023 09:21 476


Photo of 30.09.tana2002 Tatіana Mazur

The introduction of martial law and the occurrence of force majeure circumstances are not grounds for releasing the tenant from the obligation to pay rent.

Accordingly, part 6 p. 762 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, the lessee is exempt from payment for the entire time during which the property could not be used by him due to circumstances for which he is not responsible.

Therefore, the farmer must continue to pay the rent, he can be released from it only if the land is not used due to circumstances for which he is not responsible.

16.08.2023 10:06


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