They require a paper copy of the passport. What shall I do? They said that the document in Diya has the full force of a physical passport!
They require a paper copy of the passport. What shall I do? They said that the document in Diya has the full force of a physical passport!
When ordering and receiving administrative services, Ukrainians can show their electronic passport in the "Diya" application and share a digital copy of the document at the DRACS bodies.
If you were refused to accept the document in "Diya", contact the support service of the Diya application - Tell me where it happened, under what circumstances. The implementation team will understand the situation and fix it.
When registering a marriage, scanned copies of the necessary documents (if available) are submitted by the woman and the man personally via the Internet using the Unified State Web Portal of Electronic Services (Portal Diya) (subject to the technical implementation of such a service).