Is there compensation for a destroyed car now?

A rocket flew in, the car was completely destroyed.

08.08.2023 11:10 323


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

A new draft law was submitted to the Verkhovna Rada, which concerns compensation for property damaged during hostilities, and in particular vehicles.

It all starts with recording the damage and contacting the police to open criminal proceedings. Based on the established facts of property damage, a commission will then be created that will accept applications for damaged cars and check them. But the compensation for the damaged property will not only be in the monetary equivalent, but also in the opportunity to buy a car abroad and bring the customs clearance to a zero rate instead of cash payment. But only if all supporting documents are available. This draft law is already registered, but so far without movement.

Algorithm of actions in case of damage or destruction of the vehicle: first, it is necessary to record the fact of damage (photo and/or video recording, preferably with reference to the area, buildings, other landmarks). Collect written statements from at least two witnesses - it would be nice to add screenshots from the news or links to media publications covering the relevant event. If possible, call the police to record the fact of damage to property by drawing up a report of the scene of the incident and entering information about the criminal offense into the Unified Register of Pretrial Investigations. If it is not possible to go to the police in person, you should send an application with evidence and copies of an identity document and a vehicle registration certificate by a valuable postal letter with a description of the attachment and a notice of delivery of the postal item.

In order to determine the amount of damage, it is necessary to order an automotive expert examination, during which the expert makes a conclusion about the amount of damage caused to the vehicle. In addition, it is necessary to collect and save possible receipts, checks, acts of work performed, other documents regarding the costs received by the owner of the vehicle in connection with its damage during the restoration process.

08.08.2023 11:27
Photo of 30.09.tana2002 Tatіana Mazur

In Ukraine, payments under the program isRecovery have already started. So far, the state plans to compensate only for the repair of damaged real estate. A new draft law has been submitted to the Verkhovna Rada, which concerns compensation for property damaged during hostilities, particularly vehicles. But his fate is not yet known.

To date, the development of the optimal compensation mechanism for the destruction or damage of a vehicle has only just begun. In addition, Ukraine will be able to calculate the damages caused to the state and citizens and apply to the UN International Court of Justice with a claim for reparations, which may also include the amounts of damages caused to individuals.

But you better prepare anyway. First, it is necessary to record the fact of damage as soon as possible (photo and/or video recording (preferably with reference to the area, houses, other landmarks); written explanations of at least two witnesses; screenshots from the news or links to media publications that covered the relevant event, etc.) and, if possible, call the police to record the fact of damage to property by drawing up a report of the inspection of the scene of the incident and entering information about the criminal offense into the Unified Register of Pretrial Investigations. If it is not possible to contact the police body in person, it is worth sending a statement to such body with attached evidence about the event and copies of the identity document and the vehicle registration certificate by a valuable postal letter with a description of the attachment and a notice of delivery of the postal item.

Secondly, in order to determine the amount of damage, you should order an automotive expert examination, during which the expert makes a conclusion about the amount of damage caused to the vehicle. In addition, you should collect and save possible receipts, checks, certificates of completed works, other documents regarding the expenses incurred by the owner of the vehicle in connection with its damage. If the vehicle is insured, you will be able to receive insurance compensation in case of damage to your car as a result of armed aggression of the Russian Federation, but only if otherwise is not expressly provided for in the insurance contract.

08.08.2023 11:28

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