They do not remove the arrest from the car


Do they have the right not to remove the arrest for driving a car after full repayment of the debt!?

And in what terms should it be done?

After five months, they didn't do it, whose mistake is it?

08.08.2023 09:44 409


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

The term for considering the application and removing the vehicle from impoundment is up to 30 days.

After paying the fine, the arrest is automatically lifted, but it is better to remind the executor or other person who imposed the arrest that you have paid the debt. In some cases, it is necessary to send the relevant decision to the Service Center.

How long it takes to remove the seizure from the car depends on the service that imposed it, as well as the fulfillment of all the necessary requirements. It is not enough to pay the debt from the enforcement proceedings, it is necessary to pay the enforcement fee and costs of the proceedings. It is not enough to receive a court decision, it must be presented to the executor or registrar. It will not be possible to quickly remove the arrest from the car, even if the matter concerns a fine, it will take from two to seven days. Complex arrests can be removed for a year or more.

08.08.2023 09:51


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