Are there any restrictions on purchasing a car for IDPs?


Are there any restrictions on purchasing a car for IDPs, and what are the consequences of buying and selling a car?

04.08.2023 16:08 534


Photo of sikorsky.y.o Yaroslav Sikorsky

Yes, there are car purchase restrictions.

In accordance with clause 7 of the Procedure for providing accommodation assistance to internally displaced persons (, assistance is not granted to an internally displaced person who applies for its appointment for the first time, starting from August 1, 2023, if within three months before the application an internally displaced person applying for housing assistance purchased a vehicle (mechanism) subject to registration in accordance with the procedure established by law, from the year the release of which has passed less than five years (except moped or trailer).

At the same time, motorcycles are not taken into account, the value of which on the date of acquisition of the right of ownership does not exceed thirteen amounts of the subsistence minimum for persons who have lost their ability to work, as of January 1 of the year from which the benefit is granted; self-assembled vehicles; vehicles purchased by a person with disabilities of groups I and II; received free of charge or purchased on preferential terms through the social protection bodies of the population/received through charitable organizations, including at the expense of financial assistance for the purchase of a car; vehicles that are wanted in connection with illegal possession or physically destroyed, which is confirmed by relevant documents, as well as vehicles purchased by parents-educators of family-type children's homes, large families and families with children with disabilities, families with persons with disabilities of groups I and II who have reached the age of 80.

In the event that the recipients meet any of the criteria specified in clauses 7 and 8 of this Procedure (one of the criteria for the purchase of a vehicle is indicated above), the Social Security Authority will suspend payment from the month following the month in which the circumstances arose, affecting the right to receive assistance.

06.08.2023 17:40


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