What are the reasons for refusing to enroll an IDP child in kindergarten?

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03.08.2023 13:12 371


Photo of 30.09.tana2002 Tatіana Mazur

The state guarantees all children the right to preschool education. At the same time, IDP children and minors who have the status of a child who suffered as a result of hostilities and armed conflicts have the right to priority enrollment in state preschool education institutions - kindergartens.

According to Clause 10 of the Regulation on preschool education, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 305 of 12.03.2003, the following are primarily enrolled in state (municipal) preschool education institutions:

  • children from among internally displaced persons;

  • children who have the status of a child who suffered as a result of hostilities and armed conflicts.

In accordance with sub-clauses 1-4 of clause 13 of the Regulation on Pre-School Education Institution, approved by Resolution No. 305 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated March 12, 2003, pupils may be expelled:

1) at the request of one of the parents or another legal representative of the child who submitted an application for enrollment (except for cases when the child's place of residence is determined with the other parent by the decision of the guardianship authority or the court);

2) on the basis of a medical report on the child's state of health, which excludes the possibility of his further stay in a preschool education institution of the appropriate type;

3) in the event that the pupil reaches seven years of age as of September 1 (for children with special educational needs - eight years of age), which provides for his deduction until August 31 of the current year;

4) in case of transfer of the pupil to another preschool education institution;

5) if the child does not attend a preschool education institution for two consecutive months during the school year without valid reasons.

Expulsion of a child from a state (municipal) preschool education institution for other reasons is prohibited.

03.08.2023 13:36


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