Does the payment of IDPs affect the appointment and payment of the subsidy? Me and two ...?


... daughters are registered in a house in the Kharkiv region, one daughter is of legal age (studying) wants to apply for VPO as she lives at a different address, I receive a subsidy for the house in which she stayed to live with her younger daughter. Will they cancel our subsidy, or at all Is the IDP payment included in the family's income?

17.04.2023 15:01 613


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

Guided by the Law of Ukraine "On Ensuring the Rights and Freedoms of Internally Displaced Persons", the Resolution "On Providing Monthly Addressed Assistance to Internally Displaced Persons to Cover Living Expenses, Including Payment for Housing and Communal Services", it can be said that the received monetary assistance for The IDP is not taken into account when calculating the total income of the family and is not included in the certificate of income when issuing the subsidy. Therefore, IDP payments do not affect the appointment and payment of the subsidy.

17.04.2023 19:45


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