The son was injured and was diagnosed with disability. Can he issue


The son was injured and was diagnosed with disability. Can he apply for a disability pension now or only after leaving the unit? What is needed for this?

31.07.2023 12:25 424


Photo of sikorsky.y.o Yaroslav Sikorsky

Disability pension for persons discharged from military service, in accordance with the Law of Ukraine dated 04/09/1992 No. 2262-ХІ "On pension provision for persons discharged from military service and certain other persons" is assigned in case of disability:

  • during the period of service;

  • or no later than three months after leaving the service;

  • or after a three-month period after discharge from service, but due to illnesses that occurred during military service.

Persons with disabilities as a result of the war are granted a pension in the amount of:

  1. Group I – 100% of the amount of monetary support;

  2. Group II – 80% of the amount of monetary support;

  3. Group III – 60% of the amount of financial support.

Other persons with disabilities are granted a pension in the following amounts:

  1. Group I – 70% of the monetary support amount;

  2. II group – 60% of the amount of monetary support;

  3. Group III – 40% of the amount of financial support.

Documents for the appointment of a disability pension can be drawn up by personally applying to any PFU service center or by submitting documents through the Pension Fund's electronic services portal.

Necessary documents:

  • a written statement on the appointment of a pension;

  • passport or birth certificate (for children);

  • certificate of residence registration, if the person has an ID passport;

  • RNOKPP (registration number of the taxpayer's registration card);

  • employment book or other documents confirming seniority;

  • salary information;

  • documents certifying the special status of a person (for example, a certificate from the MSEK, a certificate of a person with a disability due to the war);

  • photo (required for the registration of a pension certificate).

  • a certificate of illness issued and certified by the military commissariat at the place of removal of the serviceman from the military register or certificate of the military medical commission (copy).

If a military man wants to issue disability pension payments after leaving military service, he must also take the following documents:

  • certificate of the military commissariat on completion of military service, where the date of conscription is indicated;

  • dates and reasons for dismissal from military service;

  • conclusion of MSEK (medical and social expert commission) that the disability is connected with military service.

03.08.2023 10:03


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