Who is able to work in the context of exemption from the draft?

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31.07.2023 10:06 391


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

Amendments have been made to the Law of Ukraine "On Mobilization Training and Mobilization", namely to Paragraph 11, Part 1, Art. 23: "Conscripts are not subject to mobilization: who have a wife (husband) from among persons with disabilities and/or one of their parents or parents of a wife (husband) from among persons with disabilities of group I or II, provided that such persons with other able-bodied persons who are obliged by law to support them do not have a disability."

That is, previously they were not subject to mobilization regardless of the presence and number, for example, of brothers and sisters of conscripts who have parents from among persons with disabilities.

In connection with the adopted changes, now the conscript will not be subject to conscription - only if there are no other able-bodied persons, for example, children of such parents from among persons with disabilities, i.e. someone's brothers and sisters.

The main thing in this case is the ability to work and the fact of maintenance. Able-bodied persons are persons over the age of 16 who live on the territory of Ukraine and are physically capable of active labor (Law of Ukraine "On Population Employment").

An adult daughter and son are obliged to support parents who are unable to work and need financial assistance (Article 202 of the Civil Code of Ukraine).

According to Art. 1 of the Law of Ukraine "On Mandatory State Pension Insurance", disabled citizens - persons who have reached the age established by this Law, which gives the right to the appointment of an old-age pension, including on preferential terms, and an early pension, or a person with a disability, in including children with disabilities, as well as persons entitled to a survivor's pension in accordance with the Law.

01.08.2023 10:18


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