Do Maniveos have the right to call relatives and ask them to influence me


I have a debt in Maniveo, they call my relatives and shout at them to pay off the loan.

25.07.2023 21:16 413


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

If you personally did not give permission to use your phone or the phones of your relatives, the financial company and collectors are breaking the law. If the collector threatens, he is also breaking the law.

Threats, round-the-clock calls to the debtor and family members, use of abusive words in messages, distribution of offensive photo collages, etc. are violations of a number of articles of the Constitution of Ukraine (Articles 3, 21, 22 and 32), the Civil Code of Ukraine (Articles 3, 291, 301, 302 and 308), and the Criminal Code of Ukraine (Article 182).

It is worth contacting the VRU Commissioner for Human Rights or the court. After all, they are the ones who control compliance with the legislation on the protection of personal data. If the collectors threaten, you must contact the law enforcement agencies.

25.07.2023 22:34


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