Restoration of the military ticket


I live with a woman from whom I have a son (in the certificate it is written that I am the father), we are not married, because due to the war, our plans for a receipt were postponed until later, and we recently had twins, we went to the National Register of Citizens to register the children, but we were told that they could not do it - I needed my military ID (I lost it a long time ago and did not make a new one). I understand that you need to go to your TCC at the place of registration and make a new one. But the woman raised the alarm so that I would not be taken away. My question is the following: is it safe to go to the TCC and make a military card, or do I still need to make some kind of certificate that I live with a woman and provide for her. After all, recently there have been many cases of TCCs ignoring all rights and taking people by force.

21.07.2023 18:10 361


Photo of sikorsky.y.o Yaroslav Sikorsky

I bring the following to your attention.

To register the child's place of residence, parents are given three months from the day of the child's birth. For this, the child's parents need to apply to the entity providing administrative services at their place of residence (Executive bodies of village, settlement, city councils) with the appropriate package of documents.

The package of documents includes:

  1. Application for registration of the place of residence of a minor child

  2. Birth certificate

  3. Written consent of the second parent when the parents live at different addresses

  4. Receipt for the payment of the administrative fee

The second part of Article 6 of the Law of Ukraine "On Freedom of Movement and Free Choice of Residence in Ukraine" provides that if a person cannot apply to the registration body on his own, registration can be carried out at the request of his legal representative or a representative on the basis of a power of attorney certified in according to the procedure established by law.

Therefore, there is no need to provide a military ticket.

26.07.2023 09:31


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