If I did not have time to inherit within six months, what should I do?

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21.07.2023 10:08 367


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

According to Art. 1272 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, if the heir has not submitted an application for acceptance of the inheritance within six months, starting from the time of the opening of the inheritance, he is considered to have not accepted it.

With the written consent of the heirs who accepted the inheritance, the heir who missed the deadline for accepting the inheritance may submit an application for acceptance of the inheritance to a notary public or, in rural settlements, to an official authorized to do so by the relevant local self-government body at the place of opening of the inheritance.

At the request of the heir, who missed the deadline for accepting the inheritance for a valid reason, the court can determine an additional period sufficient for him to submit an application for accepting the inheritance.

21.07.2023 11:06


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