What are the legal restrictions associated with a sales agreement that must ...?


... be taken into account by the parties, for example, bans on the export of goods or intellectual property?

12.04.2023 14:23 412


Photo of sikorsky.y.o Yaroslav Sikorsky

When concluding a sales contract, the parties must take into account the requirements of the Civil Code of Ukraine, in particular Chapter 54 of Subsection 1 of Section 3 and, depending on the subject of the contract, the requirements of other regulatory legal acts.

According to the Civil Code of Ukraine, during the conclusion of the contract, the parties must take into account the requirements regarding the form, subject, payment and term. The Civil Code also defines the obligations of the seller and the buyer.

For example, according to Part 2 of Art. 1107 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, the agreement on the disposition of property rights of intellectual property must be concluded in writing. In case of non-compliance with the written form, such an agreement is considered null and void. Only in cases expressly provided for by law, the contract may be concluded orally.

Therefore, please specify the subject of the sales contract, after which I will be able to provide you with a detailed list of restrictions. If necessary, I will help draw up an appropriate contract.

24.05.2023 14:54


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