Is it necessary to renew the Parer labor book?


I am asking for help with the following question:

I have the status of an IDP (moved from Kharkiv). My office burned down in the first week of the war. The work book was burned. I have been working since 2004, that is, I can see all the data about my work in the Pension Fund's electronic cabinet.

Is it advisable to restore the employment record in such a case? They say that in order to calculate a pension in the future, you will still need a labor record in paper form, because there will be problems.

17.07.2023 19:17 398


Photo of 30.09.tana2002 Tatіana Mazur

With the entry into force of the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding the Accounting of Employee's Labor Activity in Electronic Form" dated 05.02.2021 No. 1217-IX, accounting of the employee's labor activity is carried out in electronic form in the register of insured persons of the State Register of the mandatory state of social insurance in accordance with the procedure specified by the Law of Ukraine "On the collection and accounting of a single contribution to mandatory state social insurance". Maintenance of a paper work book is carried out exclusively at the request of the employee.

According to the Law of Ukraine "On Pension Insurance", the main document confirming work experience is the work book. However, since 2000, periods of work have been taken into account for determining pensions based on personalized accounting data. They can be obtained electronically through the portal of the Pension Fund of Ukraine or using the "Pension Fund" mobile application.

Therefore, if the State Register has all the necessary information about your work activity, then it is not necessary to renew the paper version of the work book.

17.07.2023 19:59


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