Housing subsidy for IDPs: how to apply?

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12.04.2023 14:08 408


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

To receive an IDP subsidy, you can apply in person to one of the following bodies:

  1. an authorized official of the executive body of the village, settlement, city council of the relevant territorial community;

  2. center for providing administrative services;

  3. service center of the Pension Fund of Ukraine.

Housing subsidy can also be issued electronically by choosing one of the following services:

  • "Diya" portal,

  • web portal of electronic services of the PFU,

  • mobile application of the Pension Fund of Ukraine. You can download it for Android and IOS.

What documents are required to receive a subsidy?

  1. Application for the appointment of a subsidy (according to the established form).

  2. Declaration of income and expenses (according to the established form).

  3. Data on household residents.

  4. Passport, registration number of the taxpayer's registration card (RNOKPP).

  5. Certificate of IDP status.

25.04.2023 20:45
