I am undergoing basic military training, but there is a decision of the VLK that I...


I am undergoing basic military training, but there is a decision of the VLK that I am of limited fitness according to Articles 13b, 61b, 31c, 42c of the Schedule of Diseases II. I have deforming osteoarthritis of the 1st and 2nd stages, it is difficult to walk more than 5 km, is it possible to transfer to another part?”

14.07.2023 18:55 478


Photo of sikorsky.y.o Yaroslav Sikorsky

Limited fitness does not deprive you of the opportunity to complete military service, however, there are certain restrictions in connection with this.

Persons recognized as having limited fitness for military service cannot serve in the landing forces, navy, marines, in special constructions, etc.

However, they are suitable for service in support units (units), military commissariats (TCC and SP), institutions, organizations, educational institutions, etc.

That is, you cannot be sent to a combat unit at the front, but you can be mobilized and left, for example, to serve at the Military Committee (TCC and SP).

It is during the medical examination that it is indicated which types of service and military work are contraindicated for a person with limited fitness. It depends on the physical state of health, and on the military specialty, position, age and work of the conscript.

In connection with the above, you can transfer to another part that corresponds to the resolution of the VLK.

17.07.2023 09:17


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