If I was not in Ukraine when the war started, can I...


If I was not in Ukraine when the war started, can Germany accept me now under paragraph 24?

14.07.2023 18:22 505


Photo of sikorsky.y.o Yaroslav Sikorsky

YES, it can, subject to certain requirements listed below.

Temporary protection (paragraph 24) is a kind of legalization of the status of Ukrainians residing in Germany. If previously it was possible to stay in the EU for only up to 90 days, the status of temporary protection extends this period and provides a number of advantages. In addition, it is easy and quick to issue a temporary shelter.

If you are interested in how this status is legally supported, then all questions about this are in the EU Directive on temporary protection - https://ips.ligazakon.net/document/MU01293?an=2

Temporary protection can be obtained in all EU countries except Denmark. Currently, there are 26 EU countries. The advantage of this status is the possibility of independently choosing the European country in which a person will live. For example, if a person crossed the border of Poland and wants to live in Germany, he can request temporary protection right here.

Temporary protection can be obtained:

  • citizens of Ukraine who left the country on or after February 24, 2022 due to Russia's military aggression;

  • stateless people and citizens of foreign countries, except Ukraine, who were under international or national protection until February 24, 2022;

  • family members of the specified people, including the husband (wife) and their minor unmarried children or the children of their husband (wife), as well as their close relatives who lived with them at the time of the invasion of Russia, and who were fully or mainly dependent on such people;

  • foreigners who legally resided in Ukraine until February 24, 2022 on the basis of a permanent residence permit and who cannot safely return to their country.

17.07.2023 09:33


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