Salary not paid after injury


In October 2022, he was injured. Until February 2023, I received all the social security payments + the bonus, from February I was sent to the Netherlands for prosthetics, the bonus was removed, and the social security remained from May 2023, the social security is 1300 UAH, is it possible for me to somehow return my social security and the bonus, there is nothing to live for, the operation will be in November or December. In part, they say - they cannot create an order for the enrollment of the ZP, because it is necessary to renew the VLK, and this is not possible abroad. Is it really possible to get them to start paying now?

13.07.2023 20:20 375


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

On June 30, 2023, the Law "On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Regarding Certain Issues Related to Completion of Military Service During Martial Law" entered into force. According to this Law, military personnel who, in connection with an injury (contusion, trauma or mutilation) related to the defense of the Motherland, are undergoing inpatient treatment in health care institutions (including foreign ones), are paid an additional monthly remuneration in the amount of 100,000 hryvnias under the conditions and in the order established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. Thus, you need to submit a report on accrual and payment of additional remuneration, you need to contact the unit command with the report.

27.07.2023 20:35


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