What legal procedures are required to register a company?

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13.07.2023 10:14 426


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

Documents for state registration can be submitted to the state registrar (executive bodies of village, settlement and city councils, Kyiv and Sevastopol city, district, district state administrations in the cities of Kyiv and Sevastopol, notaries) in paper form (in person or by mail) or in electronic form.

If the documents are submitted in paper form, the applicant presents:

  • passport of a citizen of Ukraine or other identity document;

  • national, diplomatic or service passport of a foreigner or other document certifying the identity of a foreigner or stateless person (for foreigners or stateless persons;

  • a document confirming the authority of the person's legal representative, or a notarized power of attorney (in the case when the documents are submitted by a representative/legal representative).

You can submit documents in electronic form and register a legal entity online:

  • Online House of Justice - registration of a legal entity;

  • Online House of Justice - registration of a public organization;

  • "Diya" portal - registration of a limited liability company on the basis of a model charter.

In the case of submitting an application for state registration by mail, the authenticity of the applicant's signature must be notarized.

For state registration of the creation of a legal entity (including as a result of separation, merger, transformation, division), in addition to the creation of a state body, a local self-government body, the following documents are submitted:

  • application for state registration of the creation of a legal entity. In the application for state registration of the creation of a legal entity formed as a result of division, separation, information about the separated subdivisions in terms of their belonging to the legal entity - legal successor is additionally specified. In the application for state registration of the creation of a legal entity under private law, it may be stated that it acts on the basis of a model statute, as well as the applicant's request for the registration of the legal entity as a value added tax payer and/or the choice of a simplified taxation system, and/or inclusion in the Register of Non-Profit Institutions and organizations. If the model charter is multi-variant, the version of the model charter, on the basis of which it acts, is indicated in the application for state registration of the creation of a legal entity under private law;

  • a copy of the original (notarized copy) of the decision of the founders, and in the cases provided for by law - the decision of the relevant state body on the creation of a legal entity;

  • a document confirming the creation of a public formation, compliance with the charter of a legal entity, on the basis of which the public formation operates, - in the case of state registration of a public formation that is an independent structural subdivision of another legal entity;

  • information about the governing bodies of public formation (name, date of birth of the head, members of other governing bodies, registration number of the taxpayer's registration card (if available), position, contact phone number and other means of communication), information about the person (person ), which has the right to represent a public formation for registration actions (name, date of birth, contact phone number and other means of communication);

  • founding document of a legal entity - in case of creation of a legal entity on the basis of its own founding document;

  • the register of persons (citizens) who participated in the founding congress (conference, meeting), - in the case of state registration of the creation of public associations, political parties;

program of a political party - in the case of state registration of the creation of a political party;

a list of signatures of citizens of Ukraine according to the form established by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, - in the case of state registration of the creation of a political party;

  • a document on the payment of the administrative fee;

  • a document confirming the registration of a foreign person in the country of its location (excerpt from the trade, bank, court register, etc.), - in case of creation of a legal entity, the founder(s) of which is a foreign legal entity;

a copy of the original (notarized copy) of the deed of transfer - in case of creation of a legal entity as a result of transformation or merger;

a copy of the original (notarized copy) of the distribution balance - in the case of creation of a legal entity as a result of division or separation;

  • documents for state registration of changes to a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register, specified in part four of this article, - in case of creation of a legal entity as a result of separation;

  • documents for state registration of the termination of a legal entity as a result of a merger and division - in case of creation of a legal entity as a result of a merger and division;

a list of participants in the congress, conference, founding or general meeting of trade union members;

  • a document containing information on the amount of mandatory payments and other mandatory expenses, the payment of which is necessary for starting the company's activities;

  • property structure according to the form and content determined in accordance with the legislation;

an extract, extract or other document from the trade, bank, court register, etc., confirming the registration of a non-resident legal entity in the country of its location, if the founder of the legal entity is a non-resident legal entity;

  • a notarized copy of the document certifying the person who is the ultimate beneficial owner of the legal entity, for a non-resident natural person and, if such a document is drawn up without using the means of the Unified State Demographic Register, for a resident natural person.
13.07.2023 18:16


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