Who is legally prohibited from marrying?

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12.07.2023 14:47 391


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

Article 26 of the Family Code of Ukraine clearly establishes the circle of persons who cannot be married to each other:

  1. persons who are relatives of the direct line of kinship;

  2. relatives (consanguineous, non-consanguineous) brother and sister. Full siblings are brothers and sisters who have common parents. Unrelated are brothers and sisters who have a common mother or a common father;

  3. cousins brother and sister, relatives aunt, uncle and nephew, niece;

the adopter and the child adopted by him (marriage between them can be registered only in case of cancellation of adoption).

By a court decision, the right to marry between a natural child of the adopter and a child adopted by him, as well as between children who were adopted by him, can be granted. An obstacle to marriage is the existence of a legal relationship between the natural child of the adopter and the adopted child, as well as between adopted children, since the relationship arising in connection with adoption is equated to the relationship existing between relatives by origin. Therefore, for such persons to be able to exercise their right to marry, it is necessary to submit a claim to the court for annulment of adoption.

12.07.2023 14:52


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