How to return disability?


I was a person with disabilities for 4 years, received a pension, benefits, now the commission deprived me of this status. How can I reverse the commission's decision? Nothing has changed in my state of health, I believe that I was deprived of my disability illegally.

11.07.2023 18:39 427


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

To begin with, contact the government hotline with a complaint under the number 1545. If this does not help, go to court.

The legislation of Ukraine provides for two procedures for appealing the decision of a medical and social examination: pre-trial and judicial.

Pre-trial appeal: in case of disagreement with the decision of the MSEK, a person with a disability has the right to submit a written application to the MSEK, in which he was examined, or to the relevant health care department within a month after receiving the conclusion of the MSEK. The MSEC, which conducted the inspection, or the health care department, within three days after receiving the corresponding request, sends all available documents for consideration to the central city MSEC, which, within a month from the date of submission of the specified documents, conducts a second review. The decision of the central city MSEK can be appealed to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

Court appeal: a person can appeal the decision of the MSEK by submitting an administrative claim to the court within a period of no later than 6 months (3 months - if there was a possibility of pre-trial dispute resolution) from the day the person learned or should have learned about the violation of his right.

11.07.2023 19:39


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