What documents are needed to open a cafe?


I plan to open a cafe in the basement, I will also sell alcohol. What permits and premises requirements are required?

11.07.2023 18:38 453


Photo of 30.09.tana2002 Tatіana Mazur

In accordance with clause 1.4 of the Rules for the operation of restaurant establishments (enterprises) approved by the order of the Ministry of Economy and European Integration of Ukraine dated July 24, 2002, business entities shall operate in the restaurant industry after their state registration in accordance with the procedure established by law. The retail trade of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products in establishments (enterprises) of the restaurant industry is carried out by subjects of economic activity in the presence of relevant licenses.

Also in accordance with clause 1.9. employees engaged in the production, storage, and sale of food products and food raw materials are required to have professional special education (training).

All employees employed in the restaurant industry undergo a mandatory preventive medical examination in accordance with the procedure established by law, the results of which are reflected in their personal medical books.

So, in general, the following documents are required:

  1. Certificate of state registration of a legal entity, or SPD.

  2. Premises lease agreement (documents on ownership of the premises).

  3. Registration of production capacities in the state consumer service.

  4. License to sell tobacco products and alcohol.

  5. Document on the approval of placing a sign (outdoor advertising).

  6. Document on the passing of the inspection and the impression of the inspection mark on the measuring equipment.

  7. Document on the registration of the cash register.

  8. Medical records of employees.

  9. Sanitary rules, Rules of operation of establishments (enterprises) of the restaurant industry, sanitary log, logs of registration of introductory briefings on labor protection issues and registration of briefings on labor protection issues.

  10. Sanitary passport for motor vehicles, if the transportation of products will be carried out by own transport.

  11. Manufacturer's (supplier's) documents for food products and equipment.

  12. Agreement on the removal of garbage and disposal of fluorescent lamps.

  13. Technological and calculation maps.

  14. Declaration of compliance of the material and technical base of the business entity with the requirements of the legislation on fire safety, and for business entities with a high degree of risk - a positive conclusion based on the results of an assessment (expertise) of the fire-fighting condition of the enterprise, object or premises (fire-fighting assessment condition).

It is also necessary to prepare documents for the consumer corner, including:

  • information on the name of the owner or the body authorized by him;

  • Book of reviews and suggestions;

  • addresses and telephone numbers of bodies that ensure the protection of consumer rights.

Also, Rules No. 219, Order No. 833, the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" dated 05.12.91 No. 1023-XII, sanitary regulations, veterinary documents, rules for the sale of certain types of goods must be available.

12.07.2023 11:00

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