How to issue a cadastral number for a land plot?

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08.07.2023 08:20 459


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

The first step that must be taken by owners of plots of land, the ownership of which is certified by a State Act without indicating a cadastral number, is to contact a land management organization that has a certified land management engineer on staff. You can find the relevant organization on the website of the State Geocadastre or directly in the territorial body of the State Geocadastre. It is important that the term of such works cannot exceed 6 months.

Second step - ordering technical documentation from land management regarding the establishment (restoration) of land plot boundaries in kind (on site), which is the basis for obtaining a cadastral number. It is on the basis of this documentation that the state registration of the land plot takes place.

To conclude a contract, you need to contact:

  • a statement in the form established by the central body of executive power, which ensures the formation of state policy in the field of land relations;

  • land management documentation, which is the basis for the formation of a land plot, in electronic form and in the form of an electronic document.

The third step is to register the land plot in the State Land Cadastre. To do this, you need to contact the center for the provision of administrative services and order the service "State registration of a land plot with the issuance of an extract from the State Land Cadastre. The registration period is no more than 14 days.

The following must be submitted to the National Administrative Service:

  • a statement in the form established by the central executive body, which ensures the formation of state policy in the field of land relations;

  • land management documentation, which is the basis for the formation of a land plot, in electronic form and in the form of an electronic document.

When state registration of a land plot is carried out, it is assigned a cadastral number. To confirm the state registration of the land plot, the applicant is issued an extract from the State Land Cadastre about the land plot free of charge. The extract contains all the information about the land plot entered in the Land Register. A component part of the extract is the cadastral plan of the land plot.

To be able to dispose of a land plot (leasing, selling), it is necessary to register the right of ownership of the land plot in the Register of Real Property Rights. To do this, it is necessary to apply for state registration of the ownership right to a land plot to the state registrar of the Department of National Land Registry or a notary public. You have the right to apply to any department of the Central Administrative Court within the region for the location of the land plot, or to a notary within the notary district.

At the same time, access to the Public Cadastral Map is closed during the period of martial law, so you can check information about the cadastral number at the TsNAP and at state registrars - notaries.

08.07.2023 19:16


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