What is eExcise?

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07.07.2023 20:24 611


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

This is a tracking system that will allow to strengthen the control of the circulation of tobacco and alcohol.

Implementation of the eExcise electronic system using Track & Trace technology will allow tracking the route of all tobacco and alcohol products. In this way, the state will receive complete information about the entire product supply chain and will be able to analyze the volumes that reach store shelves.

Each product will have an electronic excise stamp expressed by a two-dimensional DataMatrix code. Manufacturers and importers will be able to independently generate it in the eExcise digital traceability system and apply it to each bottle of alcohol or pack of cigarettes.

Consumers will be able to make sure that they are not buying a counterfeit. To do this, you need to scan the electronic excise stamp through the Diya application and check:

  • name;

  • manufacturer;

  • place of production;

  • shop where the goods are sold;

  • marking code, which can be checked with the one on the stamp;

  • status of electronic excise stamp.

If there are discrepancies, everyone can notify the state in Diya about it in one click.

Electronic excise stamp and traceability system will start operating in Ukraine already in January 2026.

08.07.2023 19:36


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