How to make changes to the construction passport of the development of the land plot?

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07.07.2023 19:48 374


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

You can contact the Center for the Provision of Administrative Services or the State Inspection of Architecture and Urban Planning of Ukraine to receive the service. You can apply for the service in person or through a legal representative, by sending documents by mail (registered mail).

Documents that must be provided to receive the service:

  • Application for making changes to the construction passport

  • A copy of the customer's construction passport

  • Outline change intentions

  • The consent of the co-owners of the land plot (residential building) to the development is certified in the prescribed manner

In the case of a change in the intentions of the development of the land plot (placement of new or reconstruction of existing objects), the implementation of which does not exceed the maximum permissible parameters, changes may be made to the construction passport. Amendments to the building passport are made by the relevant authorized body of urban planning and architecture in the order and under the conditions specified for obtaining it, within ten working days from the date of receipt of the package of documents. The application for making changes to the construction passport is submitted using the form

08.07.2023 20:10


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