How to prove to a civilian the fact of participation in the defense of Ukraine in order to receive...


respective statuses?

07.07.2023 18:59 384


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

The solution to this issue is to establish the fact of participation in measures related to repelling the armed aggression of the Russian Federation in an administrative or judicial manner as part of a separate proceeding.

Currently, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has developed a draft resolution "Some issues of establishing the fact of participation in measures necessary to ensure the defense of Ukraine, the protection of the safety of the population and the interests of the state in connection with the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine." There are no estimated dates for the adoption of this resolution yet.

How to confirm the fact of participation in armed resistance?

The following documents are attached to the application:

  • a copy of the document certifying the identity of the applicant, and in the case of submission of documents by a legal representative or authorized person, copies of documents certifying the identity of the persons on whose behalf the application is submitted, as well as a document authorizing the legal representative or authorized person to represent such persons , issued in accordance with legislation;

  • a copy of the certificate of the medical and social expert commission on the group and cause of disability;

  • the opinion of a medical expert certifying the fact of receiving an injury, contusion, mutilation, disease, or a copy of the primary medical accounting documentation, the forms of which are approved by the Ministry of Health;

  • a certificate of direct participation in activities during the period of martial law of the person specified in subparagraph 1 of paragraph 2 of this Procedure, issued by the commander (chief) of a military unit (organ, unit) of the Armed Forces, the State Border Service, the National Police, the National Guard, the Security Service of Ukraine and/or another formed in accordance with the law of a military formation and a law enforcement body, in interaction with which the person took a direct part in measures during the period of martial law;

  • testimony (statement) of the unit commander in whose area of responsibility the person was, or testimony (statements) of at least two witnesses who, together with the person, took direct part in the events;

Also taken into account are testimonies (statements) of persons whose signatures are notarized or by other persons authorized by the Law of Ukraine "On Notaries", or by the commander (chief) of a military unit (organ, unit) and the seal of a military unit (organ, unit), in to which (to whom) the persons are undergoing military service, who took a direct part in the events, for the period for which they testify;

other documents (if available), their copies, which can testify to the fact of direct participation in the events; a court decision establishing the fact of direct participation in activities during the period of martial law of a person.

08.07.2023 20:37


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