What is a secret will and how is it different from a regular one?

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06.07.2023 20:52 408


Photo of 30.09.tana2002 Tatіana Mazur

According to Art. 1249 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, a will certified by a notary public without familiarization with its contents is secret.

The person who made the secret will submits it in a sealed envelope to the notary public. The envelope must be signed by the testator. The notary puts his signature on the envelope, seals it with a seal in the presence of the testator, places it in another envelope and seals it. And so the will is waiting for its time.

Until the notary receives information about the opening of the inheritance, then appoints a day for announcing the content of the will. He informs the testator's family members and relatives about the day of promulgation of the will, if the place of residence of the latter is known to him, or makes an announcement about it in the printed mass media.

In the presence of interested persons and two witnesses, the notary opens the envelope in which the will was kept and announces its contents. A protocol is drawn up on the declaration of the will, which is signed by a notary and witnesses. The entire content of the will is recorded in the protocol.

06.07.2023 21:01


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