How to compensate damages for a damaged car due to a pothole on the road?

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05.07.2023 09:31 353


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan
  1. Call police officers (to record the fact of an accident with an indication of road surface defects with attachments of video and photo recording of the scene of the incident, records of eyewitness testimonies).

  2. Involve a representative of the organization on whose balance sheet there is a section of road with potholes in the inspection of the scene of the accident (to inspect the scene of the accident and draw up the relevant report).

  3. Contact an official service center or an expert appraiser and keep all receipts for car repairs.

  4. Write a complaint to the organization, on the balance sheet of which is the section of the road where the incident occurred, and add copies of the accident report, diagrams, video and photo recordings and other available documents that are the evidence base.

  5. If the answer to the complaint has not been received, or has been received, but it is not in your favor, then you need to apply to the court with a statement of claim at the location of the defendant.

05.07.2023 10:34


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