How can I get access to medical services if I am a refugee in Poland?

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02.07.2023 18:40 404


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

Ukrainians who crossed the border with Poland after February 24 have the right to free medical care - just like citizens of the country. All Ukrainians can use this service, regardless of age or social status.

According to Polish legislation, citizens of our country have the right to the following types of medical care:

  • basic medical care - visits to family doctors, calling an ambulance;

  • specialized outpatient care;

  • diagnostic studies (as directed by a doctor);

  • treatment in a hospital;

  • psychiatric treatment;

  • rehabilitation (except resorts);

  • dental services.

In order to contact specialized specialists, you need to have with you:

  • foreign passport with a note about crossing the border after February 24;

  • in the absence of a foreign passport - any other document with data on crossing the border.

  • You also need to issue a PESEL - an identification number that simplifies access to various social services in the country.

02.07.2023 20:25


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