What to do if your package is lost at the post office?

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02.07.2023 10:20 438


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

It is necessary to contact the post office from where you sent the package with a corresponding statement about the loss of the shipment. In the application, the type, category and number of the postal item, the place and date of acceptance, the surname, first name and patronymic (for legal entities – first name) and the postal address of the sender and the addressee, and in appropriate cases, the amount of the declared value of the postal item, the amount postpaid

According to the third part of Article 16 of the Law of Ukraine "On Postal Communications" (https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/2722-20#Text) missing or damaged attachments of postal items, violation of control terms for delivery of postal items of shipments, the personnel of the operator, through whose fault the damage was caused, is responsible in accordance with the procedure provided for by the legislation of Ukraine. Of course, you must substantiate your claims with relevant evidence. Such evidence can be: a receipt for payment of a service received at a post office, a cashier's check, or a contract concluded at such a post office with an indication of weight, price, etc.

Always keep originals and copies of these documents.

If you indicate the amount of the declared value of the parcel during the shipment, then in the event of its loss, the postal operator is obliged to compensate exactly the amount indicated.

In the case of discovery of the fact of the loss of a postal item, require the postal employee to draw up an act, which is signed by him, the head of the postal facility and the sender/receiver.

Based on the available evidence (documents, photo recording), contact the operator with a written claim for compensation for the lost mail. The operator is obliged to provide a written response to the consumer within a month from the moment of receipt of claims.

It should be noted that in accordance with Article 18 of the aforementioned law, for the complete loss of parcels without a declared value, the postal operator reimburses the cost of postal services and pays a fine in the amount of 100 percent of the cost of these services; for the complete loss of a parcel with the declared value - a cost in the amount of the sum of the declared value of the postal shipment, the cost of postal services and pays a fine of 25 percent of the cost of these services.

The cost of services previously paid for by the user, which were not actually provided to him, shall be reimbursed to the user in full on the basis of a receipt or other document for payment of these services.

In the event that you failed to protect your rights in the specified way, you have the right to apply to the court with a claim for payment of compensation for the lost postal shipment by the postal operator.

02.07.2023 14:26


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