What legal actions should be taken after an accident?

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10.04.2023 12:08 412


Photo of sikorsky.y.o Yaroslav Sikorsky

Good day.

  1. Immediately stop the vehicle and stay at the scene of the accident.

  2. Do not change the position of the vehicle or damaged property until the arrival of the police.

  3. Take the necessary actions to provide first aid to road accident victims and call for emergency medical assistance. If these actions are not possible, it is necessary to ask those present for help and send the victims to a medical institution. If possible, the location of the vehicle and traces of the accident should be recorded before sending the victims to a medical facility.

  4. Call the police officers to arrive at the scene of the accident and make an official record of the event, draw up a protocol and diagram of the accident. Sign the documents only if you agree with their content.

  5. It is necessary to take all possible measures to preserve the traces of the accident, fence them off and organize a detour around the accident site. If you have a camera, you should take photos of the scene, the relative location of the vehicles, the damage to the cars and the participants in the accident.

  6. Record data about witnesses and other participants in road accidents, including registration numbers of their vehicles, P.I.B. drivers, places of residence and contact numbers.

  7. Inform the victim and third parties of the contact details of the insurance company that issued you the car owner's liability insurance policy, including the phone number and address.

  8. Notify the insurance company about the accident as soon as possible (no later than 3 working days after the accident), for this, contact the 24-hour emergency center located in the insurance company. Permissible exceeding the specified term is possible in the event that the insured (driver) was unable to report the event in time for reasons beyond his control, for example, due to severe injuries received during a road accident when he could not move on his own, or due to "due to a long stay without consciousness, which can be confirmed by a medical certificate.

  9. Fill out the insurance incident notification form and hand it over to your insurance agent, or send it by registered mail.

For the fact that the culprit left the scene of the accident, he can be brought to administrative responsibility, and in some cases - to criminal responsibility.

If the accident occurred only between insured vehicles and no one was injured (not injured, not killed), as well as if the drivers agree with the circumstances of the accident and were not in a state of intoxication or under the influence of drugs that impair reaction and attention, they can jointly report on the road accident (Europrotocol) and then leave the scene without the need to inform the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the accident.

In this case, if the documents are drawn up without the participation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs employees, the amount of the insurance payment for property damage cannot exceed the maximum allowable amounts established by the Authorized Body at the request of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications at the time of the occurrence of the insured event.

28.04.2023 10:08


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