Do you have to pay for broken dishes in a restaurant?

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29.06.2023 10:00 456


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

As soon as you visit any institution, you automatically conclude a public contract with it and accept its rules (Article 633 of the Civil Code). Therefore, if you intentionally broke the dishes of the establishment, you should pay for the damaged goods. But you have to pay when you were informed about it.

Payment rules for broken dishes:

Through its menu, where the cost of each item of inventory is indicated on the last page, the institution informs about the payment rules for broken dishes. The page with the price must be certified by the owner of the establishment and the accountant, there must be appropriate signatures and seals. If all this is not there, it does not oblige you to pay for broken dishes.

Forcible collection for broken dishes is possible, but only through court if you refuse to pay accordingly.

29.06.2023 10:57


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