I was wounded in the war and will be treated abroad, how can I leave officially?

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28.06.2023 21:39 388


Photo of lorina200215 Lorina Fedan

You can go abroad for treatment under a simplified procedure. The hospital where you are at the moment must draw a conclusion about your departure as a wounded person and send a package of your documents to the relevant state body.

This package of documents includes:

  1. the consent of the defender of Ukraine or his legal representative for treatment abroad with the provision of unequivocal consent for the processing of personal data relating to medical information;

  2. consent to the processing and transfer of personal data to health care institutions of foreign countries in accordance with the legislation in an arbitrary form;

  3. an extract from the medical card of an outpatient (inpatient) patient in the form approved by the Ministry of Health;

  4. a conclusion on the necessity of referral for treatment abroad.

After that, the hospital sends the signed documents to the state body that is part of the security and defense sector, where you serve (DPS, SBU, State Emergency Service, National Guard, etc.). This body considers the application and sends it to the Ministry of Health. The Ministry of Health forms a request to the EU countries regarding treatment and discusses the conditions of transportation. The Ministry of Health sends a letter with this confirmation to the Command of the Medical Forces, DPSU and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

Payment for transportation, escort and stay in the clinic is made by the country that will host you. If necessary, these services can be paid for the person who accompanies you - your spouse, one of your parents, or one of your children, in particular, adopted children. A foreign hospital can also ensure a return to Ukraine. To do this, you need to contact the Ministry of Health, or contact your doctor abroad with a request to facilitate the return home.

So, to cross the border, you need the following documents:

  1. Passport of a citizen of Ukraine for traveling abroad or passport of a citizen of Ukraine (in their absence – documents containing information about the person, on the basis of which the DPSU will allow the crossing of the state border);

  2. Conclusion on the need to refer the person for treatment abroad;

  3. Letter from the Ministry of Health on the list of persons agreed with a foreign party who can be accepted by health care institutions of foreign countries for treatment abroad.

29.06.2023 10:01


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