Can the owner of the apartment, who is abroad, gift the property (apartment) to his wife. The consulate does not provide services. How can this be done?
But it is located in the front-line zone, where there is no notary public. What can be done in this situation?
documents for one-time child support? And what to do if she is temporarily abroad, but her mother is in Ukraine?
Is the husband's consent required for a divorce if he is in prison? And how does this divorce process happen without his presence, if we have a 3-year-old child?
...where is the enterprise located, since there is hostilities?
...a Ukrainian passport and a Crimean residence permit. Can he sell this house? Can it be done by proxy? the occupied territory (Luhansk region)? idle. Is it possible to get a job in a state educational institution or secondary school at the place of temporary stay as an IDP (perhaps under a civil law agreement or another option)?
...for a child, can he be taken to war?