Will there be any compensation? I went abroad. Insurance has expired.
The military stopped near the house and said that they were taking the car for the needs of the army. What can be done? How can you solve problems with them? Where to turn?
attribution certificate. As far as I know, they graduate under the age of 18? Where can I complain to the Military Commissariat to give a certificate?
...but I ordered new ones in Ukraine and they should arrive soon, the police said that they would call at the end of June and that I should bring them and show them that I have the licenses, they went to the database and said that I don't have a driving ban, but they said to bring the licenses, if not, the case will go to court, what should be done in such a situation?
...paid, currently the person is abroad and cannot come. Is it possible to return (restore) by proxy? What options can there be?