I want to provide services to companies as a programmer. Is it necessary to register an LLC for this?
Should private teachers provide services in Ukrainian?
Is it safe to provide photos of documents to Ukrainian notaries online for preparing the text of the documents, or should I just submit all the data in writing? It is the preparation of the text without legal certification.
Please let me know that the RTCC received a request for the company to provide information on citizens of Ukraine for the purpose of clarifying the military registration data of those working at the company.
Is such a request mandatory? What is the response procedure?
A request has been received by e-mail, should we provide a response
How can a person's legal capacity be restricted?
... of local self-government, and the woman demands from me (because I am a member of her family, namely a husband) that I also provide her with my income data and where I work, but I do not want to provide this data, questions or Do I have the right? According to which law? And will the woman have problems if she does not provide information about my place of work and income?