...automatically when a pension is granted?
It was issued for 2 years. Please tell me, in the conditions of martial law, does its effect continue automatically?
... apply to issue it?
...to the general taxation system, and from the beginning of next month I will be automatically transferred to the simplified system? Do I need to go to the tax office and write an application to switch to the simplified system?
Can the employer do this, or is it automatically canceled somehow?
...cancels the executive proceedings automatically or is it necessary to send? If sending, the original or a copy?
...then you need to contact someone to remove the arrests? Does it automatically remove all arrests?
...I have been living and working in Poland for a long time. Alimony was sent on time every month.
Can my ex-wife, through a lawyer in Ukraine, make it so that 1/4 will be automatically deducted from my salary in Poland?
... has a disability. Low-income families received help. They are registered as IDPs and currently assistance is automatically extended due to martial law. Last month, they registered a marriage with a second husband. Is it necessary to apply to the local social security for the purpose of re-registration of assistance, or can it be done after the abolition of martial law?